
In the rapidly evolving landscape of agriculture, technology is becoming more important than ever. From precision farming to AI nutritional support, new technology advancements are optimising and automating how we grow food and manage resources. However, with these advancements come many technical terms that can be confusing. We will simplify some common AgTech jargon to help everyone better understand the technology shaping modern agriculture. 

What is AgTech? 

AgTech, short for agricultural technology, refers to a wide range of technologies and innovations designed to enhance various aspects of agricultural production. 

While AgTech and AgTech terminology reflect exciting industry advancements, they can also present barriers to adoption and understanding. Clear communication and education are essential for ensuring that farmers and stakeholders can effectively leverage these technologies to improve productivity and sustainability in agriculture. 

Breaking down the jargon 

Precision farming: Precision farming uses technology to make farming practices more efficient. Examples include:

  • GPS-guided tractors 
  • Drones and satellite imaging 
  • Smart irrigation systems 
  • Automated weed and pest control 
  • Remote monitoring of crops 

uDOSE™️ technology leverages precision nutrient delivery into livestock drinking water to make animal nutrition more effective and efficient.  

IoT (Internet of Things): IoT refers to devices that collect and send data over the internet. They can be accessed and controlled remotely. In agriculture, these devices can include: 

  • Soil moisture sensors 
  • Weather stations 
  • GPS ear tags for livestock 
  • Sensors to monitor crop health 
  • Devices to control pumps and other equipment remotely  
Our innovative technology enables remote control of livestock supplementation, significantly reducing workload and boosting efficiency. The uDOSE™️ controller app and uHUB dashboard allow for automated nutrient delivery and monitoring of consumption. Flow rates can be adjusted, and issues detected directly from any device, anywhere, providing real-time insights for better production decisions. 

Our uDOSE™️ technology utilises Orbcomm satellite communication. This ensures consistent, reliable data transfer even in the most remote locations. Farmers can access real-time insights and control their systems from anywhere. This makes our solution particularly suited to the vast, rural landscapes of Australia. 


Blockchain in supply chains: Blockchain technology creates a transparent and unchangeable record of every step in the supply chain. This helps track products from farm to table, ensuring traceability, food safety and authenticity. 

Our subsidiary company, CleverCow, uses blockchain technology to securely fractionalise, tokenise and verify carbon credits produced through sustainable farming. Our platform allows producers to monetise the carbon credits they produce by selling them via a subscription model. Blockchain ensures transparency throughout that process, preventing fraud, and fostering trust among market participants. 

Bridging the Gap 

As farming continues to adopt new technologies, understanding AgTech terms is crucial. Simplifying tech jargon, along with collaboration and education can harness the power of these innovations to drive positive change in the agricultural sector, leading to more sustainable and efficient food production. 

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