New installations and customer stories

Discover how our customers are using their uDOSE™️ systems to meet production targets, save
time, and cut costs.

Water supplementation key to keeping livestock specs consistent

Phosphorus-deficient land and inefficiencies of traditional dry lick were making it hard for the Reddan family to maintain the nutritional needs of their cattle. Looking for a way to improve supplementation results and get more value for their dollar, they decided to try a uDOSE™️ system.

From manual to automatic: boosting supplementation results with uDOSE™️

Auvergne manager Dave Young could see the burden of supplementing with loose lick taking its toll on staff and vehicles. In search of a more effective way of supplementing over the station’s vast terrain, Dave discovered DIT AgTech.

Supplementing at scale: Deploying uDOSE™️ to improve animal and operation productivity

Manager Ben McGlynn deployed DIT AgTech’s uDOSE™️ systems to tackle inconsistency in herd health and production gains. He was also keen to reduce the labour costs and wear on the station’s equipment and vehicles from tedious, ineffective dry lick runs.


Manager, ‘Deelamon’ and ‘Eucumbene’

9 Aug 2020 | Katherine NT

  • Using uPRO ORANGE, uPRO GREEN and uTRACE for 3 years
  • Mulga belt of SW Queensland
  • 1 full time employee running 1200 breeders over 65 000 acres

“We now supplement the entire herd for the entire year for half the price and with well less than half the labour using DIT products.”

We’ve been using DIT AgTech products including uPRO ORANGE, uPRO GREEN & uTRACE for over 3 years. Our beef grazing operation is situated in the Mulga belt of South Western Queensland and consists of 1 full time employee running 1200 breeders over 65,000 acres. In the past we’ve used salt based and molasses based products to supplement approximately half the breeder herd for half the year. We now supplement the entire herd for the entire year for half the price and with well less than half the labour using DIT products. Stock condition and calving percentages have been maintained well above normal expectations. The DIT products and delivery system have been very cost effective for us and the maintenance and management of the complete process including product enquiries, orders and equipment checks have been even easier. I would happily recommend DIT products and delivery systems.



28 Aug 2020 | Jackson QLD

  • Supplementing uPRO ORANGE
  • Angus breeders targeting the weaner market.  Carrying 300 cows.
  • Country varies from heavy brigalow-belah through to lighter red box

“Supplement costs have reduced to less than 20% of the dry lick previously used.  The initial outlay on the unit had a payback period of less than six months.”

Catherine is a ‘long time’ client of DIT, having supplemented with the uDOSE™️ (previously called “Nutridose™️”) for over 7 years.  During that time, she has found the unit to be maintenance free – she hasn’t even had to change the solar battery. 

Supplementing urea phosphate allows the cattle to effectively use the dry feed available and maintain their body condition throughout, maintaining a  more efficient and effective rumen function over winter.

Dalkeith is an enterprise based on Angus breeders targeting the weaner market, carrying 300 cows.  The country varies from heavy brigalow-belah through to lighter red box. 

Within the herd the most significant advantage of the Nutridose™️ is the ability of the breeders to maintain a  more efficient and effective rumen function throughout the winter.  This allows them  to effectively use the dry feed available and maintain their body condition.  The breeders respond to and are able to capitalise on the first flush of new grass growth  as a result. Year on year (excepting 2019), they’ve been able to  increase the weaning weight whilst maintaining excellent Preg testing percentages.    

Supplement costs have reduced to less than 20% of the dry lick previously used.  The initial outlay on the unit had a payback period of less than six months. Whilst cost saving is a consideration,  the production performance of the cattle was the driving factor in the install.  Every animal is supplemented – dominance is negated. 

The uDOSE™️ is plumbed into a feed line off a nest of tanks fed by a bore and the unit is contained within a shed for protection (from both the sun and sneaky weaners).  The nest of tanks feeds a ploy pipe network serviced by 9 troughs with more to be added. 

How to get started

Australia’s leading producers are feeling the positive ripple effects of the DIT AgTech Livestock Water Supplementation and Productivity Platform. Book a consultation to learn how it could work for you.